This is the landing page for current students to view possible internship, study abroad, funding, and other department-wide opportunities.
Study Abroad Opportunities:
Dr. Fyfe will be leading his summer course G348 – Cultures and Environments Field Series to Egypt in the Summer of 2024. Anyone interested should plan to attend an information session to find out more. There will be information available at the Study Abroad Fair on the first floor of WPAC on October 4th from 1-4pm. Or you can drop by HUM 210 on Thursday October 5th from noon-3pm. The course is part of the HIPI constellation and involves international travel to Egypt from May 30 – June 11. Deposit deadlines are mid-November. For more information please attend one for the information sessions above or contact Dr. Fyfe to set up a meeting (
Gladfelter Award: The Millard E. Gladfelter and Ira G. Gladfelter Awards were established to support academic year-long independent research projects in political science and history. Each award is worth $1500. Students must be juniors or seniors in the forthcoming academic year, be eligible to sign up for two semesters of independent study at 3 credits per semester, or a semester of independent study and a semester of Senior Seminar, and have demonstrated excellence in their departmental course work. Selected students will present their work during the College’s Student Scholars Week. Submission Instructions: Please submit a completed application form, letter of support from supervising faculty member, and a page-length description of project to Prof. Ilana Krug, Deadline: TBD, April 2024.